Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison. Epic Rap Battles of History

step up

you’ll be shocked

when I spit and start static

I’ll rip your style and add it

to my long list of patents

while you were busy

digging ditches

and burning bridges

I’m pumping out inventions

stacking riches

so go back to your pigeons

you’re a geek

plagued by OCD

you never had sex

but you sure got screwed by me

I’ll crush you Tesla

there’s just no putting it gently

I don’t alternate my flow

I diss you directly

I see a universe of infinite energy

but no potential for threat

from this enemy

so you can call me Tesla


impeccably dressed

giving lessons in electrical nemesis

this will be on the test

so confess

to your thefts

and let the whole world know

what the Serbian did

for the Wizard of Menlo

history is getting rewritten

and I have reddit

your best invention

was a way to steal credit

the truth hertz

you’re broke and washed up

don’t give a smidgen

‘bout your visions

if they can’t make a buck

I conduct business


things you never could

so dope

that I even make New Jersey look good

I’m on the record I invented

you got duped there I said it

and I’ll bet you 50 thousand dollars

that you’ll never forget it

without me

here’s a taste

of what this battle would be

no lights

no camera

no sound


you fool

you think that you can

touch me with this?

you couldn’t handle my gifts

with your greedy little mind

what’s inside mine

was ahead of it’s own time

you did not steal from me

you stole me from mankind

it’s a wireless transmission of truth

and it’s a shocking real story

of a banker and you

and if the people knew

you stopped me from making power free

they would curse

the con Edison with every utility

who won?

who's next?

you decide

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