What If a Magnetar Collided With a Black Hole?

In the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way,

there is a supermassive black hole

feeding on nearby stars.

It's called Sagittarius A*.

And if a giant gravitational monster

slowly eating the galaxy isn't terrifying enough,

there is another cosmic monstrosity

lurking around it.

This monstrosity creeping
through the Milky Way

is a remnant of a giant, exploded star.

But it's not just any remnant.

It's an extremely dense and very magnetic

collapsed stellar core.

Let me refresh your knowledge of magnetars.

They are born when a star,

at least eight times more
massive than our Sun,

reaches its expiration date,

and explodes in a beautiful supernova.

Much of that star is gone,

but the dense core of it remains.

Most of these remnants
become neutron stars.

They spin very fast,

usually a few times per second.

And they're composed of neutrons.

Some neutron stars have
such strong magnetic fields

that they emit electromagnetic
radiation from their poles.

That makes them pulsars,

and you can observe them with a telescope

when their poles face the Earth.

Only a few such pulsars develop

such an extremely powerful magnetic field.

They become the strongest
magnets in the Universe.

They spin once every ten seconds,

but their magnetic field is

a hundred times stronger

than that of a neutron star.

If one of those magnets came

halfway between the Moon and the Earth,

it wouldn't be pretty.

But would it be as bad from

a distance of 26 light-years away?

What I'd like to know is,

would a magnetar swallow a black hole?

Or would a black hole gobble up a magnetar?

The collision of these two giants

wouldn't end up in an explosion,

but in a quiet cosmic merger,

stretched over billions of years.

Although magnetars are incredibly powerful,

they would lose the battle with a black hole.

Depending on the trajectory of the magnetar,

as well as the size and mass of

both the magnetar and the black hole,

the magnetic monster would be eaten up

either whole, or slowly, piece by piece.

As the magnetar was being
torn apart by the black hole,

it would be sending gravitational
waves throughout the Universe,

disturbing the curvature of spacetime.

Once the black hole consumed the magnetar,

its mass would increase and
expand its event horizon.

And thanks to this expansion,

more and more stars would be

flung into its dark density.

The black hole would be slowly

eating our galaxy, star by star.

Eventually, after quadrillions
of years of star consumption,

the black hole could gobble
up the Milky Way, all of it.

By that time, humanity would

most likely be long gone anyway.

That is unless another cosmic event

disrupts this feast some
4.5 billion years from now.

But that's a story for another WHAT IF.

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