What If We Could Build an Alderson Disk?

This is not some DVD floating in space.

It's a megastructure that might one day

become humanity's home.

The Earth might not remain habitable forever.

It could get engulfed by a massive solar flare,

or become too hot due to climate change,

or have all its life wiped out

by one enormous asteroid.

What if I told you we could

outlive all these disasters?

And that we could do that

by building a space megastructure

bigger than the Sun itself?

Why would we colonize other,

currently uninhabitable planets,

if we could, hypothetically,

build a habitat of our own?

Something that would host
many billions of future humans

without ever running out of space.

It does look like a DVD, doesn't it?

Only it has the mass of 3,000 suns.

The reason why we'd need our Alderson Disk

to have such a huge mass is gravity.

All objects with mass are
gravitationally drawn to each other.

And objects with a greater mass

have a greater gravitational pull.

For the Alderson Disk to be
stable enough to host life,

we'd need it to have a stronger

pull than the Sun does.

That's where it gets tricky,

because the Sun is the most massive

object in our Solar System,

accounting for 99.8% of its total mass.

To have enough material
to outweigh the Sun,

we'd have to get it by
breaking down every planet,

moon and asteroid in a radius

of hundreds of light-years around us.

Or, we could give our
Alderson Disk artificial gravity.

This type of gravity isn't caused by attraction,

but by acceleration or centrifugal force.

In other words, we'd have to spin our disk

fast enough that it doesn't
collapse into a donut,

or get swallowed by the Sun.

But since we haven't really
figured out artificial gravity yet,

let's stick with the first option,

and make our Alderson
Disk very, very massive –

241 million km (150 million mi) wide.

That would make it stretch
past the orbit of Mars.

It would also be several thousand
kilometers (or miles) thick,

and would have a surface area
equivalent to over one billion Earths.

Just imagine how many

billions of humans could live on it.

But not so fast.

Our Alderson Disk wouldn't
be habitable everywhere.

And before I explain that,

let me talk about the Sun for a moment.

Our Sun would be sitting stationary

in the hole at the center of the disk.

And because of this, our disk

would have no day and night cycle.

Only a never-ending twilight.

But since our disk would have a bigger mass

and a stronger gravitational pull,

there is a chance that the Sun
would wobble up and down.

That would somewhat solve
our day and night problem, but

it could also increase the possibility

of colliding with our star.

We might need to install gamma-ray lasers

to have more control over the Sun's wobbling.

And still, our disk-shaped world

would need way more things to become

suitable for us to live on it.

One of the most important things

is an atmosphere.

On Earth, the atmosphere protects us

from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

It reduces the temperature extremes,

and it creates pressure that
allows liquid water to exist.

We'd need an atmosphere to do

all the same things for our Alderson Disk.

And to keep the Sun from stealing it,

we'd need to build a wall
around the disk's inner edge.

Unlike Earth, the Alderson Disk

wouldn't have liquid metal in its core

to give it a magnetosphere.

A magnetic field is important because

it keeps the solar wind from
stripping off the atmosphere.

Without it, the solar wind would erode

the part of the Alderson
Disk closer to the Sun.

This could make the entire structure unstable,

and possibly destroy it altogether.

Once we figure out how to make

the atmosphere and magnetic field,

we could bring in water.

We'd make holes in the disk
that would allow for oceans.

Because of the way gravity would
work on our Alderson Disk,

the water could be suspended.

The oceans on the disk-shaped structure

would literally be bottomless.

For the same gravitational reasons,

humans would be able to live on both the top

and the bottom side of the disk.

And for those living on the bottom side,

it wouldn't feel as if they
were walking upside down.

It would be just normal on each side.

But of course, this space megastructure

could have some flaws.

Because of the disk's enormous mass,

its gravity might make it
collapse into a gigantic torus,

or even worse – a black hole.

Then, there are asteroids.

Even though we used up all
the nearby asteroids

to form our Alderson Disk in the first place,

there's no guarantee new
interstellar space rocks

wouldn't come and bombard our disk world.

And not just asteroids,
but rogue planets as well.

Even the slightest hit could destabilize the disk

and plunge it right into the Sun.

Speaking of the Sun, remember I said that

not all of the Alderson
Disk would be habitable?

That's because the Sun
wouldn't be heating it evenly.

The inner side of the disk would be very hot.

To withstand the tremendous heat,

we'd have to give our disk a heat shield,

just like the one we developed
for the Parker Solar Probe.

The outer edges of the disk
would be freezing cold.

But the middle band of the structure
would be just perfect for life.

Although there would be a lot of unused space,

the habitable area would still be

50 million times larger than
the entire surface of Earth.

A giant platter with the thickness
of several thousand kilometers.

It might not survive in space.

Luckily, I have another idea in mind.

But that's a story for another WHAT IF.

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