What If We Discover Life After Death?

Death and the possibility of an afterlife

have fascinated artists, philosophers,

and scientists throughout history.




these are all things we might feel when

we ponder what happens to us after we die.

But what does science actually

know about the afterlife?

If we knew that we went somewhere

after we died,

Death is not as straightforward

as you might think.

The term ‘clinical death’ wasn’t even coined

until 1846, by Dr. Eugène Bouchut.

He suggested that if you listened

through a stethoscope,

and there was no heartbeat for two minutes, 

the patient was clinically dead.

Today, determining whether death has

occurred is more complicated.

The heart can continue to beat for

a full week after the brain dies. 

This was shown by UCLA's 1998 study.

These 175 bodies were still functioning

one week after brain death.

called 'beating heart cadavers,'

Were they able to make the final
jump into the afterlife?

We can’t tell for sure.

The closest we can get to discovering

concrete answers

is by looking at near-death experiences. 

And that’s just in one country.

Stories across the globe describe

the same sort of phenomena happening around

the time of death, either being surrounded

by a bright light, 

or seeing a being made of bright light.

This experience is so prevalent that

Bruce Greyson  developed the
Greyson NDE Scale in 1983.

This scale determines if a person had a 

near-death experience based on their answers

to 16 questions, such as,

In a four-year study of awareness
during resuscitation,

the University of Southampton found that

39 percent of cardiac arrest survivors claimed

to have been aware of their surroundings,

before their heart was restarted.

Yet in this study,

people claimed they were conscious for up to

three minutes after their heart stopped.

The survivors' experiences included

time slowing down or speeding up,

out of body experiences,

or a peaceful feeling.

Some even had distinct memories of
their surroundings.

These experiences make sense when

you know that brain activity actually spikes

around the time of death.

A 2010 study from the George Washington
University Medical Center

studied the EEGs, or electroencephalograms,

of seven critically ill patients

as they were taken off life support.

The patients showed a spike of neural
activity near death

that lasted from 30 seconds to three minutes.

Are these spikes in mental activity

proof of an afterlife?

The short answer is no.

Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg speculates

that our parasympathetic nervous system,

and sympathetic nervous system,

begin operating at full speed in near-death

These two systems rarely work side by side, 

and the combination could create

all those other-worldly experiences that
people report.

But this, too, is just a theory.

That could depend on the type of afterlife.

Let's say there are different
characteristics of an afterlife,

and the way you lived on Earth

determined where you go after death.

If this was a hard fact that everyone knew,

then we would probably strive to be
much better people.

People would have different opinions about

what factors would be the most rewarded

in the afterlife,

and this would be a point of conflict.

There might even be a whole new field of

science dedicated to discovering the

rules of the afterlife.

But what if the opposite is discovered?

What if there is just one place where everyone
goes, no matter what they did while alive?

Researchers have found that
when reminded of death,

people tend to shop more,

drink more,

eat more,

smoke more…

In other words, they live it up.

This doesn’t bode well for a reality where

the afterlife is just one happy,
responsibility-free destination.

It would be easy for people to decide
that what happened on Earth,

or to the Earth,

doesn’t really matter.

There could even be an increase in reckless

behavior and suicide.

Death cults, anyone?

Even if scientists proved the existence of
an afterlife,

the reality is that they wouldn’t know
how that afterlife functioned.

The only people who would know

what it was like would be, well, dead.

People’s understanding about the afterlife

would still be formed by their personal beliefs.

We will probably never know if there is
an afterlife.

But luckily for us,

we have longer to live than ever before.

A century ago, the average life
expectancy dipped

as low as age 23 in countries like
South Korea and India.

It would be wise for us to use our
longer lifespans

to do good on the Earth that we have.

The afterlife may or may not exist,

but the world that we live in today
definitely does.

And who knows?

Maybe someday we won’t think twice
about the afterlife

because we’ll have found a way to
become immortal.

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