What If Telekinesis Was Real?

What if you had the power

to control things without touching them?

What if you could use your mind

for anything from bending spoons

to lifting cars,

even stopping bullets right in front of you?

Since the early days of spiritualism,

psychic mediums have
claimed to contact the dead.

During these sessions,

their clients could see objects

mysteriously flying across the room.

Many people believed what they saw.

Only they didn't see the hidden wires

that the mediums used to fool their audience.

Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis,

has been debunked by
skeptics like Harry Houdini.

In 1926, the magician offered $10,000

to anyone who could
showcase psychic abilities

that he couldn’t mimic onstage.

Nobody left Houdini's show with the prize.

In the 1970s, telekinesis caught the attention

of the U.S. and Soviet governments.

They spent decades running tests,

but the only thing they could prove

is that telekinesis is nothing more than

entertainment for the masses.

But imagine what you could do

if you had a power like that.

Let's start with this:

telekinesis wouldn't be limitless.

Think of it as an invisible set of muscles.

The more you trained
your telekinetic "muscles,"

the stronger you'd get.

Maybe you could handle

bringing a remote control over to the couch.

Maybe you could make yourself a cup of tea

without having to go to the kitchen.

Or you might make small
things levitate, just for fun.

Once you got good at all that,

you could start practicing
with something bigger,

like moving cars around in a parking lot.

This would tire you out pretty fast,

and might not happen on the first try.

Because, just like any workout,

practicing telekinesis wouldn't be easy.

You'd need to keep working on it.

Maybe you could master
your telekinetic ability enough

to push clouds away and save your city

from a hurricane or a tornado.

Making yourself fly through
the air would be harder.

That would require you
to push yourself away

from the objects around you.

It would only work for short distances.

But it could come in handy during rush hour.

It would really be up to you
how you'd use your powers.

But forget about lifting an
entire building into the air.

I can't say exactly where
your limit would be, but...

elevating something that's much bigger

and heavier than you are would

certainly be over that limit.

Using your telekinetic powers could

easily get out of control,
and become dangerous

to everyone around you.

Most likely, it would require
a lot of time and willpower

to do even the easiest tricks.

Maybe it's a good thing none of that

could actually be done in the real world.

The laws of physics dictate that

brain waves can't travel beyond
the confines of your skull.

You can't bend metal with your mind,

make things fly, and...

you certainly can't levitate yourself.

But what if there was a way to give you

at least a tiny bit of this superpower?

But it would include implanting
small wires into your brain.

Technology is already able to read your mind

by using an implant that translates

brain activity into speech.

Now, companies like Paradromics

and Elon Musk's Neuralink

are working on tech that
could let you move objects

just by thinking about them.

Their research is meant to help patients

suffering from paralysis, blindness
or locked-in syndrome.

People who suffer from paralysis

could use a brain implant

to control computer
devices and artificial limbs.

Eventually, the implants could
become as common as cell phones.

A device in the brain would
transfer high volumes of data

through "threads" much, much
thinner than a human hair.

It wouldn't be the kind of
telekinesis you see in movies.

Instead, it would be a tech-assisted one.

And what if that would be the beginning

of us merging with our technology?

What if the next step involved
becoming full cyborgs? 

Well, that's a story for another WHAT IF.

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